
We are pioneers in the manufacture of flexible technical foams for insulating installations. At Armacell we develop innovative and safe thermal, acoustic and mechanical solutions, creating sustainable value for our customers. On a daily basis, our products contribute significantly to global energy efficiency and make a difference all over the world. We develop insulation materials for technical equipment, lightweight high-performance foams for high-tech applications and state-of-the-art airgel technology.
The main objective of Armacell products is to make energy certification for buildings a reality.
Armacell is the first flexible thermal insulation manufacturer to present EPDs based on an independent life cycle assessment (LCA). Comparing the main energy consumption identified in the LCA with the energy savings obtained shows that Armaflex insulation materials save 140 times more energy than is required for their manufacture, transport and disposal.
Rua Cidade de Bissau, 59-C, 1º D
1800-075 Lisboa
Tlm: +351 961 797 439