OBO Bettermann

OBO Bettermann’s activity is fundamentally focused on the production and distribution of materials for electrical installations. More than 30,000 high-quality items are produced in Germany and other European countries.
We comply with KTA 1401, IAEA and 10CFR50 standards and have SCC and AEO certifications.
In order to be close, OBO has a presence in more than 60 countries with around 40 branches, located mainly in Europe, USA, Brazil, China, India and the Middle East. We currently have around 4,200 employees.
Over time, responsible people have given importance to sustainable development, namely economic, environmental and social development. At OBO, this motto has been taken into account since its foundation. By choosing to produce electricity from renewable sources, OBO reduced CO2 emissions by around 9,800 tons!
Estrada Nacional Nº 249, Km 4,2; Arm. A – Esq.
2635-047 Rio de Mouro
T. + 351 219 253 220