Originating in the structural ceramics business, the Preceram Group, family-owned and exclusively national capital, encompasses six distinct production units in the center of Portugal.

Inserted in a business area that is particularly sensitive to the environment, such as the extractive and manufacturing industries, it became clear that, to achieve the proposed sustainability objectives, it would have to act on several fronts: promoting the environmental recovery of areas already explored, invest in new and more advanced methods of controlling and reducing environmental impacts and, essentially, developing differentiated products.

An example of this is the Preceram thermal and acoustic brick, which differs from the traditional one due to its geometry and insulation characteristics, allowing a constructive solution that promotes the thermal and acoustic comfort of buildings.



Travasso – Apartado 31

3101-901 Pombal | PORTUGAL

  • 236 210 160
  • 236 107 902
  • 236 210 169
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