Etherea with nanoe™ X

Etherea with nanoe™ X


The smart new Etherea now comes with nanoe™ X technology with the benefits of hydroxyl radicals. With advanced control options, class-leading performance, a sleek design and smart features, Etherea is designed to make your home comfortable, clean and the place to be.


Panasonic’s Aerowings technology consists of two independent flexible vanes that concentrate the airflow to heat or cool a room in the shortest possible time and help distribute the air evenly throughout a room. Thanks to the larger sub-vane (72 mm), which is more than twice the size of other conventional designs, the ability to raise the airflow has been further improved.


A Panasonic has meticulously designed a new Etherea for a sophisticated and elegant solution to match any interior. Its elegant monolithic design is robust and allows for high-performance air conditioning, with a large air discharge area to optimize performance.

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