With exclusively national capital and part of the Preceram Group, Gyptec is dedicated to the production of laminated plasterboard, using ecological raw materials and non-polluting, environmentally and economically sustainable methods.
Its industrial unit in Figueira da Foz uses recycled paper and FGD gypsum, a by-product of Portuguese thermoelectric plants, as raw materials, avoiding the mineral exploitation of gypsum and contributing to the preservation of natural resources. It makes money on the energy consumed, producing electricity under cogeneration and all production is destined for export or import substitution.
Gyptec plasterboards, certified and internationally recognized for their quality, have been applied in numerous rehabilitation and new construction works of schools, hospitals, commercial and residential buildings.
Parque Industrial e Empresarial da Figueira da Foz, Lote 3 – S. Pedro
3090-380 Figueira da Foz | PORTUGAL
- 233 403 050
- 965 669 059
- 233 430 126