Categoria: Insulation, Waterproofing, mortars and other binders




ECOCORK LIME thermal render is an exterior or interior thermal insulation render exclusively based on Natural Hydraulic Lime (NHL) and light, natural and renewable aggregates in the form of expanded cork granules. ECOCORK LIME has excellent hygrothermal behaviour, helping to protect old and historic buildings and promoting their durability.


Natural Hydraulic Lime combined with cork stands for high environmental performance and improved thermal and acoustic performance of the building. As it is a lightweight product it provides a good performance on site, reducing the amount of materials used per m2 of construction. ECOCORK LIME is a water vapour permeable solution with high durability (excellent freeze/thaw behaviour) and excellent deformability.


ECOCORK LIME thermal render is suitable for renovation and can be applied to existing substrates, both inside and outside of old buildings, increasing their thermal performance.



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