Categoria: Facade cladding, Insulation, Waterproofing, mortars and other binders




ISOVIT CORK is an external thermal insulation composite system composed of expanded cork agglomerate panels (IBC), adhesive mortar, and Natural Hydraulic Lime (NHL) and granulate cork, ISOVIT E-CORK, protected by rendering plaster also formulated based of NHL and silicate based paint, a system with excellent environmental, thermal and acoustic performance.


Thanks to the thermal delay provided by the ICB panels, unique characteristic of this insulation, the thermal performance is combined with the environmental performance. The mortars of this system, being formulated exclusively based on NHL, allow the absorption of CO2 over its lifetime. With the incorporation of cork granules, it is possible to replace calcareous aggregates, a non-renewable resource, and increase the coverage of the product during application and reduce CO2 emission during transport (decrease of weight). Due to its high deformability it can withstand freeze/thaw cycles with excellent performance and guaranteed durability.


It is a system designed for new construction or refurbishment, since it is compatible with old substrates and can be applied both inside and outside.



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