Topcola Therm T2

Topcola Therm T2


Topcola Therm T2 is a glue mortar formulated from natural raw materials, free of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Its main components are locally sourced, contributing to a lower carbon footprint. It is a component of the system of thermal insulation from the outside that promotes a greater durability of the remaining constructive elements by increasing the insulation, minimizing energy consumption of buildings and mitigating pathologies in the elements.


The application of a thermal insulation system with Topcola Therm T2 promotes the reduction of costs in construction and maintenance, prevents the appearance of cracks, thermal bridges and condensations, preventing the appearance of fungi and/ or molds, eliminates double walls (space saving) and increases indoor thermal comfort, in addition to reducing the weight on the structure and improving the impermeability of the walls. Its main characteristics are:

  • Average thickness: 2.5mm.
  • Drying time: 24 hours minimum.
  • Waiting time between layers: 1 hour (minimum).

Waiting time for final coating:

• Paint or organic coatings: 12 days;
• Ceramics: 7 days


Bonding and regularization of thermal insulation boards such as rock wool, natural insulation materials or cork agglomerate boards, on the defined supports. Ideal for bonding insulation materials on new supports (facades) in plaster with the obligation of complementary mechanical fixation (use of bushings). Repair and protection of facades degraded by thermal shocks. Applies indoors and outdoors.

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