In VILA NOVA DE FAMALICÃO, on May 10, 2014


“The American architect Michael Reynolds, creator of the “Earthship Biotecture” system, based on the sustainable construction of houses using recycled materials that are reused during their construction, is the guest at the conference/workshop “Earthship Biotecture Portugal 2014”, to be held at the Casa das Artes in Vila Nova de Famalicão, on May 10, between 9:00 and 17:00.

For the first time in Portugal, Michael Reynolds, 68, has been building self-sufficient houses all over the world from bottles, cans and, above all, old tires filled with earth. This is how the “Earthship” houses are built, whose stability, according to the architect, is assured in the worst scenarios.

Michael Reynolds has focused on developing houses that are self-sufficient in water, energy, sanitation and food. These houses capture rainwater and allow it to be reused four times, and it can be heated by the sun or by natural gas. Electricity is another important saving, obtained through solar and wind systems and then stored in batteries.


As for waste and sanitation, the houses reuse domestic sewage through indoor and outdoor treatment cells. The cisterns use a treated gray water system, which means there are no odors. In addition, food is grown in a greenhouse, which makes use of the water used in the sinks and which is then treated to water the plants. The “Earthship” uses sunlight and the thermal mass of the earth to maintain a pleasant room temperature.

The price of Michael Reynolds’ constructions depends on the type of project. A house plan can cost between 3,700 and 7,500 euros and for every square meter built, the client has to pay an additional 1,800 euros. The “Earthship” can be built by the team in a month, but the client has to pay for travel and accommodation for the construction team.” In

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Contact: Mário Roriz – 00351 968 314 029

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